Sunday, May 29, 2016

FOJB (Fresh Off the Job Boat)

So I'm here and it's Sunday, the day of rest according to so many Americans.  And I'm guilty of moving, much less hashing out my job situation.  Yay, guilt!  But really, if you want to keep the Sabbeth, it's on Saturday. 

And it's an Old Testament law, which no one follows anymore, except don't murder and don't steal. 

I think the Sabbeth rest is whenever you finish your work really, before you present it to others.  Work then rest and then things will become clear. 

So I'm freshly fired. 

I feel like I have a raw and bleeding soul in regards to childcare.  I fell in love with my babies at the Bambino Palace and I couldn't bear the thought of letting any others into my heart.  I became really attached to those little guys and found myself changing diapers for the first time, and feeding babies, wiping googly milk faces.  It all was a whirlwind of sweet babyness. 

I'd like to move on though, and although it's too early for childcare, maybe there's another type of job out there for me. 

Job Wisdom

Once someone does something to keep a family together, they are responsible forever for that togetherness that the family depends on, no matter how lightly they take the act and expect payment for, they are considered that family's god and they should treat their act as an act of a god, insteads of a coincidence. 

So how did I get this job in the first place?  I was several things you can't plan. 

1.  Being the right person in the right place in the right time. 
2.  Brimming with confidence. 
3.  The desire of fuck you.
4.  A mindless drone doing the will of my master. 
5.  I was prepared for the unexpected
6.  My mom, who is my family, was ready to support me.
7.  I was in the "zone," i.e. nothing could touch me. 

Getting hired is not the same as having a job.

I think a job is spiritual and mental, as much as physical.  An athlete, a marathoners has to plan to run for a very long time, thus he's not spending any extra energy on strival things like bursting ahead at the starting line.  He knows his limits and his energy burning capacity.  Compared to something like being an infant teacher, she must know the developmental needs of the infants and her effect on them to pace the student and herself, that neither of them would develop a "learning cramp"  and get stuck behind.  That they each would have the energy to finish the race. 

I write, but I have no clue what I'm talking about.  I only vaugly dipped my bread into the green, smooth olive oil which is pacing yourself. I'm a sprinter in nature.  Love me some shiftgig.  

Please readers, those who have been at a job for more than 2-5 years, share some of your experiences.

The desire to get a job is not having a job. 

These two things had me confused for a long time.  I thought if I wanted this schedule of going to a place and doing what I was asked to, I would have a job.  This is not the case.  In many cases, the job has you. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Having a job is not the same as wanting a job.

So I got a job.  It was an infant caretaker at Montessori Bambino Palace on Mayfield in Arlington, TX for almost three weeks. 

There were four brilliant little people under my charge. 

I got fired.  I think it was because I called CPS on this one family whose child showed bruises.  They said it was because I didn't change diapers at the end of the day and that I didn't stop all the kids from crying at once, which was practically impossible, but I believe it was because of the kid. 

He showed a huge bruise on his lower back and when I talked to the social worker it seemed as if they have had another case called against them because they wouldn't take their child to the doctor.

I am so bummed and discouraged right now.  If anyone wants to cheer me up, please do.